
Friday, June 21, 2013

Alter Ego redo

 Hello all you beautiful souls out there.
If I ever met you in real life then you may think that the person who types this blog and makes all kinds of crafts, and the person running around with her kids, are two different people.
 Yes, crafting is my Alter Ego!  I am a Gemini so it's cool.
 I wanted to bring sanity to my life so a whole alter ego redo was in order.
1st off you will notice that I changed my "blog name" to match my actual blog address.  I totally disliked the name of my blog "Crafting in LALA-land" "Miss Bliss".  It was just something that came out of my head when I decided to get a blog together.  Funny but the blog address I chose is way more my style.  "Nani wale" meaning very beautiful in Hawaiian.  SO goes the blog name change.
Next I made an all new instagram and facebook page for my crafty side.  Better organization for a smoother life.  I'm planning to keep these two for crafts only.  Including all give-a-ways and crafty things going on.  Want to follow?  Will be posting a give-a-way soon and plan to do lots more.
Facebook Page:
 Alright, thanks for sticking around with my craziness and I hope your not going anywhere!
(Look signature too)
post signature


  1. You and your blog are both "nani wale"!

  2. FAB new redo Lalo - funny I was thinking of changing mine too, but thinking is as far as I am right now :)

  3. I like this new change :) I have been playing with the thought of changing my blog name too- I don't like mine! What was I thinking??
    Anyway- it all looks great!

  4. How fun!... I like the change too!... Nice... hugs....x

  5. Great change! I've thought of doing the same thing but am too lazy ;)

  6. love the new look, name and signature. Aren't remodels great??
