
Friday, September 13, 2013

Pinspired Challenge #17

Good morning!
The newest Pinspired Challenge is up and I think this one is just perfect for fall comfort.
Whisker Graphics have generously provided the winner of this challenge 3 whole spools of solid twine.  So you know you want to play.
So pretty I just had to transfer that warmth onto a card.
Took that quilt theme and ran with it using WPlus9 quilt pattern.
Had to also add a little fabric in there so went with my current favorite May Arts Ribbon "Faux Canvas" in Salmon.

I hope you all play along with this challenge.
Hay if you're just sitting at your desk this weekend you mine as well be pinspired and bang out a project.  Get more inspiration for Pinspired Challenge #17 and link then up HERE

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