
Sunday, July 7, 2013

"A failed game of catch"

 I had some quite time to play around on my craft desk and a Gelato experiment was what went down.
The end result was another page for our Hoomaluhia camping trip.
   Because my kids wake up early, we had a game of catch to keep them busy till everyone else woke up.  I can't help but laugh at this photo sequence.  My middle son playing catch or more like getting whacked with a ball.  It was a kid bouncy ball so he was perfectly fine, which makes it hilarious.

 Onto the Gelato experiment.
 I was thinking of how I could get an ombre effect with this Microbial stencil by TCW.  My first thought was of sprays but that can get messy and truthfully I have yet to master it.  So I picked up some Faber-Castell Gelatos and made a paste.  I totally LOVE how it turned out.

 The rest of this layout was all decked out is Basic Grey's Bowties line.
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  1. Love your ball play and gelato play Lalo :)

  2. I love your background, Lalo!! Great use of the gelatos, and thanks for sharing!

  3. I loved how the Gelatos look...yet another thing I don't know how to do. But thanks for giving me a push...looks über cute!

  4. Love this page, and the Gelatos paste effect -BRILLIANT!!!!

    Must try, I just bought some cool masks too...

    Thanks so much for the inspiration!!

  5. Did you make the paste with GESSO and GELATOS?
