
Monday, May 13, 2013

Watercolor two ways

Remember watercoloring as a kid?
I still love to do it but it may be because I'm such a big kid.
I like watercoloring for two main reasons and here they are...
1. It's cheep!  Especially when you use an old Cryola paint set (YES I use my kids old school supplies)
2. You can get a whole range of looks from just a small amount of colors.

Check out these two cards made with the same watercolor colors.
You can go super bold or really soft.
 Linking these cards to

Get a bold look with your paints by using less water and picking up lots of pigment with your brush.
(May Arts: 1.5inch Chevron Twill and Burlap String, Mama Elephant stamps)
Get a pastel look with your watercoloring by lightly dabbing your wet brush into the paint, then onto a paper towel, then back into the water again.
 (Stencil from Dreamweaver, American Crafts letters)


  1. These are gorgeous!! I loveeeeeeeeeee those watercolors!!!

  2. WOW WEE these are so cool!!! You nailed them...they are beautiful Lalo... hugs...x

  3. cute! am gonna have to remember this when I finally get around to working on my SMASH book!

  4. Love! Espescially the soft one, remnds me of a card i just made. May have to try this!

  5. Fabulous cards ! You got a company ..I m to0 a big kid still using my school's old water color box !

  6. Hey Lalo! Thanks for linking this up to the Wonder of Watercolor Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  7. love your softer card. the colors are beautiful!
    -Rachel w k

  8. Stunning card!!. LOVE the sweet colors. I LOVE this technique, gives chalk-like look on watercolors ... I must try this :). HUGS.
