
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stamping Royalty, A Story and A Giveaway

Hello all my awesome crafty/bloggy friends.
I've been so incredibly happy and excited about this one BIG announcement Paper Crafts Magazine made.  Stamping Royalty 2013 and one of them is ME! WHAAAATTT!!!
I know...I'm still trippin'!
I'm so happy for the ladies I'm sharing the tiara with in 2013.  Some of them I've admired for awhile and some I've just been introduced to their awesomeness.  Either way I have enjoyed getting to know all of them on a more personal level these past couple of days.  Check them all out...They're AWESOME!



Hello/Thinking of You

 Season's Greatings

Love category

...and now for a short craft story.
In my "I can't believe it" state of mind I can't help but look around myself.  I think if I had to refer a movie to my situation it would be Ratatouille (I have four kids...all my references are to Disney movies).   The moral is that a great artist can come from anywhere.  I am totally not saying that I'm an artist nor am I great but just referring to the situation.   You don't have to have a huge craft budget or a huge crafting space to be successful (although I'm sure that would help).  Don't let what you don't have stop you from dreaming and trying.  You just have to try and give it your all.  You never know if you don't try AND if you don't lean from your falls.  I truly adore paper crafting and all the people I've met through it.  I don't look at crafting as a way to make money or to be uber famous.  I just like to do it and it makes me happy.  SO now it's my turn to pass on some happiness.  I'm lucky enough to be in a situation where I can give out some love...In the form of supplies that is.
I got some AWESOME May Arts Ribbon and a Hero Arts stamp for one lucky crafter out there.  Just leave me a little love in the comments.  If you follow my blog and/or twitter let me know too...Those are what you call "brownie point".  Newbie followers are welcome too!  I'll randomly pull a winner on May 10th so you have till then to leave a comment.


  1. Woooooooooo hoooooooooooo!!! CONGRATS!!! That is soooooooooooo awesome!!!!

  2. so so excited for you... Big Congrats again girl.. Enjoy every moment.. time to celebrate.. :)

  3. How exciting! I hope you celebrate in some big way! P.S. I follow you via Google Reader.

  4. Congrats girl! What an amazing honor and thanks for all the encouragement in your post.

  5. A Big Congrats Lalo ! Yeah your are very correct about having huge supplies n space ,creativity is he only thing needed !Wishing All the best for future milestones !

  6. Congrats, it must be so exciting!!!

  7. OMG CONGRATS to you!!!! How super exciting!!!!!

  8. Big Congrats to ya Lalo. I love what you wrote here about your experience. Hugs to ya! :)

  9. Super congrats Lalo! A very well deserved title :) Enjoy your ride and I can't wait to see all your other great cards.

  10. Congrats, again!! :) I love your story and I truly can relate. I think we're on the same page, about crafting! ;) You keep doing, what your doing....! :)

  11. Awesome blog post. :) Congrats again! I'm so excited for you!

  12. Awesome blog post. :) Congrats again! I'm so excited for you!

  13. Huge congrats!! So excited for you!!

  14. Huge congrats to you, Lalo! Please leave me out of the draw as I just want to convey how happy I am for you! Way to go!

  15. COngrats Lalo...!!! Hugs...x

  16. What an honor! Congratulations, it is so well deserved!

  17. This is so exciting Lalo! Congratulations!

  18. Congrats.... how awesome it that. P.s.....I follow you. HUGS.

  19. congrats on your win! Must be so exciting. Thanks for the chance to win.

  20. CONGRATS ON STAMPING ROYALTY!!!!!!!!! You are an awesome stamper so it's not a surprise :D

  21. I just love your style! Thanks for sharing your talents!

  22. I've been hopping around your blog, looking over your art. I started out at the Mother's Day hop and you were in the hop. I looked at all the work of you ladies, because it's always inspirational to do that. I really like and appreciate your art and your sense oh humor. Congratulations!

  23. Congratulations! Well-deserved!

  24. Congrats on Stamping Royalty. I wish.... :-)

  25. Congrats to you on the Stamping Royalty!! And I just became a follower! Way to go - I think you are fun and can't wait to see more of what you do!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  26. Congratu-STAMP-ulations!!!!

    Stamping Royalty.....You totally deserve it!!

    Would love to follow your blog if you had a way for me to do it via email. I don't have access to other means.

  27. Well I guess a huge tiara CONGRATS is in order! You must be on cloud 9 for sure! For making the Royalty and for being the May Arts Ribbon guest designer as well! Whoo hoo! All of your hard work has paid off! You are so deserving of this win! Can't wait to see what you will showcase in the magazine! Keep up the good work!

  28. Congrats!!
    Thanks for the chance to win some yummy goodies!!

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